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Redland Green School

KS4 French

As a student, learning a language allows us to improve our critical thinking skills, our ability to multi-task and improve our memories.  As a person, it makes us a better listener, helps to build relationships and can open up a whole new view of the ever-increasingly interconnected world around us.  Our French/Spanish GCSE course aims to build on the solid foundation of KS3 and push skills and understanding of the essential components of confidently communicating in a second language.


Exam board:



Number of exams:

4 exams in total (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing) all worth 25% each


What topics are covered in the GCSE?

The French GCSE is made up of three themes. Within each theme are four topics: 

Theme 1: Identity and culture

  • Topic 1: Me, my family and friends (covered in Year 9)
  • Topic 2: Technology in everyday life (covered in Year 9)
  • Topic 3: Free-time activities (covered in Year 9)
  • Topic 4: Customs and festivals in French-speaking countries/communities (covered in Year 11)

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

  • Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region (covered in Year 9)
  • Topic 2: Social issues (healthy and unhealthy living is covered in Year 10, charity is covered in Year 11)
  • Topic 3: Global issues (environment is covered in Year 10, poverty and homelessness is covered in Year 11)
  • Topic 4: Travel and tourism (covered in Year 10)

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

  • Topic 1: My studies (covered in Year 10)
  • Topic 2: Life at school/college (covered in Year 10)
  • Topic 3: Education post-16 (covered in Year 10)
  • Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions (covered in Year 11)


How is the curriculum structured?

Some of the topics are studied in Year 9. In Year 10 and Year 11 we study:

Year 10 Year 11

Theme 2 Topic 4: Travel and Tourism


Theme 3 Topics 1-3: Life at School and Post-16


Theme 2 Topic 3a: Environment


Theme 2 Topic 2b: Healthy and Unhealthy Living

Theme 3 Topic 4: The World of Work


Theme 2 Topic 2a / Theme 2 Topic 3b: Charity, Poverty and Homelessness


Theme 1 Topic 4: Customs and festivals


Exam Skills / Revision


Why is the curriculum sequenced this way?

As is normal for most schools some of our GCSE topics are taught in Year 9 (Theme 1 Topics 1-3, Theme 2 Topic 1). All of these are explicitly returned to in revision at the end of Year 11. Whilst we are not teaching the GCSE explicitly in Year 9 we aim to give students the vocabulary and skills from these units that can be returned to later in Year 11 for them to succeed in their GCSEs.

Our Year 10 curriculum begins with Travel and Tourism. This topic allows them to practise using a mix of different tenses to extend their work, as well as focusing on refining their translation skills.  We then focus on Life at school and Post-16 at the point when our students are beginning to think of next steps. The topics of the Environment and Healthy Lifestyles at the end of Year 10 require students to express themselves with more depth and complexity, using the subjunctive among other tenses and moods.

The topics studied at the start of Year 11 are of more personal relevance (the World of Work), as well as topics which build an awareness of social issues.  These require a solid base of grammatical ability so are studied at the end of the course and they are mixed with plenty of revision and exam skills. 


Recommended revision guide:

Revise AQA 9-1 GCSE French Revision Guide

Revise AQA 9-1 GCSE French Workbook