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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Redland Green School

The School day

Our typical school week consists of 32.5 hours.

Punctuality Poster


Punctuality is important to minimise disruption, allow effective teaching and learning as well as promote good organisation. Students should be in school in time for the first bell at 8.40 and make sure that they move promptly from one lesson to the next.

If a student is late for school but arrives during tutor time before school they should go straight to the tutor room or to the assembly hall if it is assembly day. It is really important that the tutor knows that they have arrived so that the student is registered.

If a student arrives in school after the start of Period 1, for whatever reason, they must sign in at the reception area.

Lateness is recorded and students who are repeatedly late will be disciplined and parents/carers can be fined.