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Redland Green School


Expectations surrounding uniform can be viewed within our Uniform and Dress Code Policy

Ashton Park Uniform Expectations

At Ashton Park we want you to be smartly and appropriately dressed for our busy school environment. Our uniform policy is clear and simple and will help prepare students for future employment where dress codes will need to be adhered to. 

For our students, wearing their uniform with pride shows they are part of our school community. 

All students wear the following uniform:

  • Blue sweatshirt with house colour school badge 
  • White polo shirt with house colour school badge 

Students have the choice of: 

  • Tailored black knee-length skirt & plain tights/socks (white or black) OR 
  • Tailored black trousers with socks (white or black) OR
  • Tailored black shorts with socks (white or black)

Shoes should be: 

  • Flat, plain black school shoes or trainers 

PE Kit is compulsory for all students in Years 7-11. Students will require:

  • Polo shirt in house colour
  • Navy blue tracksuit/jogging bottoms or navy blue skort or shorts with white piping
  • Sports trainers in any colour
  • Shin pads for football, rugby and hockey
  • Gum shield for rugby and hockey
  • Football or rugby boots

Please ensure that all items of clothing are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced. 

We particularly ask parents and students to remember that the following are not acceptable to be worn to school:

  • Hoodies (jumpers or zipped)
  • Cardigans or jackets that are not weatherproof. 
  • Leggings, jeggings, cargo trousers or jeans. 
  • Skintight skirts or trousers
  • Short skirts. In particular, those made of stretch fabric. 
  • Footwear containing any other colours than black. 

If temporarily students are unable to wear their full school uniform a note should be supplied to the tutor who will be checking uniform daily. If students will be without uniform for more than two days then students can be lent uniform from the house hub. 

Personal presentation is important and we ask students to remember that extremes of fashion, dress or appearance are considered unsuitable for school. In particular, we remind you that the following are not permitted in school:

  • Hair colours that are not ‘natural’ such as pink or purple. 
  • Excessive make-up. 
  • False nails, nail extensions or long gel nails. These are particularly unsafe during PE where they pose a danger to the student themselves as well as others. 
  • Facial piercings of any type (e.g. nose or lip). 
  • Earrings that are not studs (e.g Hoops, stretchers, tunnels or dangling earrings). 

We are very proud of our school and want our students to look their best and we thank all parents and carers for supporting us in having high standards of dress. 

School Uniform Costs

Ashton Park School is committed to making our uniform affordable for all families. As such we seek to keep the branded items needed to a minimum and allow parents to source all other items from their preferred supplier. The uniform expectations remain the same for students within all year groups to enable families to plan for the whole time a student studies with us in our main school. There is no uniform requirement for our Sixth Form. 

Branded Items

The following items are branded and compulsory for school: 

    • School Logo Polo Shirt - £10.75 - £15 depending on size 
    • School Logo Jumper - £15 - £24.75 depending on size. 
    • School House Colour PE Top - £18.75 - £23.50 depending on size 
    • Either: School shorts - £11.75 - £15 - depending on size 
  • Or: School skort - £17.25  - £20.75 depending on size. 

The following items are branded and we advise they are worn during cold weather PE: 

    • Either: School Rugby Shirt - £31 - £37.50 depending on size 
  • Or: School PE Hoodie - £26.50 - £33.50 depending on size 

Parents can purchase the branded items from our supplier Monkhouse via their online shop https://www.monkhouse.com/ or their physical premises at 140 East Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4EW. All other school items such as black trousers, outside coats, black shoes and school bags can be purchased from your preferred supplier. 


As our uniform is specific to the house that a child belongs to, we make the commitment that we will place all siblings within the same house to enable families to share items of uniform between children. 

Second Hand Uniform

Our Parent Hub operates a second-hand uniform shop for both our main school uniform and items of PE kit. Parents and Carers are able to purchase items at key events (such as our Year 6 induction evening) as well as during termly events which are publicised through our Friday Mail. If parents or carers wish to purchase items of uniform outside of these times they can contact the school via mail@ashtonpark.net and we will be happy to assist. 

If you wish to donate any items of uniform to the second-hand shop this can be handed in to our main reception at any time. We ask that it is washed and in good condition to support our Parent volunteers and staff. 

Support With Uniform Costs

We understand that families may find providing our school uniform a challenge financially. We would encourage any family who is in need of assistance to contact their child’s house leader in confidence (details here). They will be able to discuss with you the support that we have available. 

School Uniform Information

Visit our uniform supplier's website, Monkhouse, for all the information you’ll need to make shopping for back to school a breeze!.


If you have any questions or concerns relating to our uniform please contact mail@ashtonpark.net or our main reception via 0117 377 2777 and we will be happy to discuss with you. 

If you have concerns relating to your Monkhouse order you can contact them directly via: web@monkhouse.com / 0161476 7216